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Earn while you spend by picking a Credit Card based on your spending pattern

Lifestyle July 2, 2018

All of us love to ‘Shop till you drop’ but who doesn’t love to shop while earning simultaneously. No, I am not talking about your monthly salary or the profit you earn from your business but the reward that your shopping gives you. While the country goes smarter with the latest gadgets and technology, our payment also becomes smarter with digital payments coming in action. Gone are the days when you carried those bundles of notes while you hopped into a mall or made your travel booking. Now all you need are credit cards and everything is sorted whether there is money in your bank account or not. However, you need to make sure you pick the right card according to the requirements so that you can gain while you spend.

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Home Loan EMI vs a monthly rental

Lifestyle February 22, 2018

A friend of mine got married recently and it was time to build a new house in a city where they had been living since long. However, their parents stayed in a different city and the new couple had to find a house for themselves in Delhi where both of them were working. They looked at a variety of options in the Delhi as well as NCR but they realised that the rentals were really high. Paying a heavy rent every month was not what they would ideally want to do but the solution they came up with was even better. They thought of an investment, not in shares or bonds but in their own house. Isn’t that a great idea? Instead of a rent, they chose to pay an EMI for their home loan.

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