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A PR professional and a travel enthusiast professionally and personally respectively. Loves to interact with people from different walks of life to know and understand more about life. Enjoys happiness which comes from little things in life. It could be cooking a meal or fitting into a decade old denim.

Bunta Bar: The Buntastic Experience

Food July 6, 2016

Open it
Push the marble
Feel that fizz
And Voila
You’re ready to Bunta!

Sounds familiar? A drink which makes you nostalgic about your childhood memories, the carefree days spent playing chupan chupai or Ludo with your friends!

Now, I am gonna tell you about a bar which makes you nostalgic about your carefree and happy school days when we used to going to the nearest general store and could fondly ask for kanche vaali bottle…yes, those were the days!! I felt that reminiscence when I entered Bunta Bar, located at downtown Dilli, Janpath, Bunta Bar effortlessly transforms itself from day to night. As I entered I saw Bunta bottles all over the place from the entry to the celing…yes everywhere! In total, there were 4500 bunta bottles which were made-to-order for this place! A big branding of Bunta Bar with a painted peacock around it caught our attention as we made our way! Differential seating, colourful couches, backrest and high seating chairs! A DJ console out a truck…wow…that was ultimate!

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Restaurant Review: Junkyard Cafe, Rajouri Garden

Food July 5, 2016

This time we went out to the newest outlet of Junkyard Cafe, located in the popular Rajouri Garden market. In line with their theme of using junk items stylistically, Umang Tewari and team have used unconventional items to set up the decor. Some of the items that we saw were: drums being used for the bar counter and as pillars, old wines bottles being used as lighting, and old milk containers, shock absorbers, and other spare parts being used as decorating items. Other interesting items we noticed were: part of an old ambassadors’ body hung up next to the bar counter; and a Mona Lisa portrait made entirely out of junk.

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Lifestyle July 3, 2016‘, the brainchild of Mrs. Urvashi Sarda and Mr. Madhusudan Sarda, is a blessing in disguise for every kid. Mrs Urvashi Sarda, being a mother of a daughter and a son, could understand the need of a concept of Toy Library. She believes that ‘Books and Toys’ be child’s best friends, unfortunately which in present scenario is taken over by mobile phones and televisions. is actually a well fabricated thought to gift every child the moments where they discover, explore, smile, play and learn.

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Bronies: A nostalgic location!

Food June 27, 2016

More than the food, it’s the nostalgia that takes you to the one place again and again! And one such place which is etched in my memory is Nirula’s Defence Colony…this used to be one favourite joint of mine and has given me fond memories…from amazing pizzas to Hot Chocolate Fudge…I felt really bad when I got to know it closed down! Though, I could not recall the last time I went there but its just that the memories we associate with certain places is what keeps you going! Remember the time when Orkut decided to shut operations? Yes, I went through a similar feeling!

Recently, I got to know about Bronies Gastropub. No, Bronies is not related to Nirula’s but it’s the location that that got me excited! Yes, “1 Defence Colony flyover market” has a new name. I wasn’t sure this place will be able to give me the same happiness that Nirula’s used to give me. But I was in to try out the place…afterall there is something called as loyalty! It not the restaurant, atleast the location 😉

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The Tan Base, for today’s woman

Fashion June 23, 2016

Cinderella proved that a new pair of shoes can change your life….None of us can under estimate a power of a new footwear. Team ChicLifeByte recently found the perfect footwear which looked as if they were made for us! Yes, the brand is targeted at a women who is modern, liberated, confident, well travelled, and is aware of ongoing trends. And I could perfectly relate myself to the attributes! There could not be a description where I could fit myself better! I am sure you would want to know which brand am I talking about. It’s called The Tan Base, a start-up by Geetanjalee Bahl which offers 100% leather footwear for quality and fashion forward woman.

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Wokstar: Authentic Chinese at your doorstep!

Food June 19, 2016

My love for Chinese cuisine has taken me to places….from 5 star hotels to restaurants to foodcourts to street food! This time we got the opportunity of having some mouth watering Chinese cuisine sitting at home. Yes, that’s what Wokstar offers us. I am sure you can recall the name. It’s a popular place at Epicuria, Nehru Place and they have also started home delivery!

We went through the elaborate menu on which comprised of options from Salads, Soups, Starters, Momos, Asian Kathi Rolls, Rice, Noodles and Mains…the menu also had sections for Chef’s Specials, Meal Combos and Drinks. The menu was well presented and had indications of green and red for vegetarian and non vegetarian respectively. What we specifically liked was the option for additional sauces indicating the level of spices- Hong Kong and Black Pepper indicated by a single chilli, Sichuan and Hunan indicated by double chilli and Wok Chilli and Hot Garlic indicated by triple chilli!

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The Food Affair: A high end catering company, the perfect solution to today’s catering requirement

Food June 11, 2016

The Food Affair! No its not only about food but something we experienced during our recent trip to Ahmedabad…yes, going to Ahmedabad over a weekend is not what an ideal tourist would do but we loved our experience. A globe trotter like me would never say no to a weekend which boasts of travel, luxury and food!

So, here comes the big news- Ritesh Hada, a business icon and a renowned name in Ahmedabad who has businesses in the arena of education, fabrics and real estate has entered the field of hospitality and catering. The man who also owns ITC Fortune Inn Haveli has now launched The Food Affair, a high end catering company, the perfect solution to today’s catering requirement. The launch took place at Ahmedabad on May 22, 2016.

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Mother’s Day with Apollo Cradle

Lifestyle June 11, 2016

Mother’s Day holds a double importance if you yourself are a mother. The love of your mother is priceless and feeling of being a mother is incomparable. And this Mother’s Day was a special one for me. Apollo Cradle, India’s leading healthcare destination for women and children put their best foot forward and organized a fun filled mother’s day at ITC Sheraton, Saket.

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ASUS Zenfone Max: The ultimate smartphone!

Lifestyle June 9, 2016

We all love our smart phones…afterall they are as smart as humans….and they multi task just like us…camera, calculator, social media, messaging, alarm clock….the list is endless and is bliss….the same device doing so many things!! But with all the pros there are cons. You know the most irritating habit that comes with the smart phone….carrying chargers and power banks….just as we need more food when we do more work…our smartphones need more fuel (charge) when we utilize them to the fullest. Atleast that’s what I feel.

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