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A PR professional and a travel enthusiast professionally and personally respectively. Loves to interact with people from different walks of life to know and understand more about life. Enjoys happiness which comes from little things in life. It could be cooking a meal or fitting into a decade old denim.

The Bridal Diet (Book Review)

Lifestyle November 5, 2015

The Bridal Diet is a book to grab irrespective of the fact if you are getting married or not, published by Random House India & written by Nishi Grover. It made me feel nostalgic and took me to the time when I got married and tried shedding those extra kilos. I still don’t know if my strategy was right or wrong but yes, what I learnt from the book was quite exciting. Firstly I would like to confess that after reading this book I quite admire the author as I read her life story. She was detected Type I diabetes when she was 4 and any kid her age would have been disheartened to not being able to enjoy the candies as her friends used to do. She overcame this and became a top dietician. Kudos to her!! The book effectively encapsulates the intricacies involved in weddings these days and what the bride goes through. Every girl wants to look perfect on her D-Day and involves herself in a series of weight loss experiments without thinking of the ill effects. Not only does the book gives you the perfect diet plan according to your goal but even series of exercises for different problem areas – from flabby arms to tummy, butts and legs.

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Apollo White Dental, a spa for your teeth

Lifestyle November 1, 2015

Team ChicLifeByte was recently invited to Apollo White Dental Spa located in Greater Kailash for a dental spa + manicure, pedicure and massage chair. I was confident that my teeth were in perfect condition but still I thought of giving it a try. After all, precaution is better than cure. As I entered the place, not for a second I could think that I was entering a clinic. The place looked marvelous with its chic décor. For a minute I thought it as a hotel lobby. I was warmly greeted by Ms. Samta Marwah, Senior Guest Relationship officer who also familiarized me with the clinic by taking me around. I was quite impressed by the state of art infrastructure. What immediately took my attention was that there was something for every age group. The kids room (yes, there was a different kids room) had a caterpillar chair, for young adults there was complimentary manicure and pedicure. The free manicure & pedicure was especially for people who accompany patients. Isn’t that a noble thought!!

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PepperTap comes to my rescue!!

Lifestyle October 20, 2015

I had a party at my house and didn’t know how to manage things. I already had a million things running in my mind – guest list, grocery shopping, return gift, cooking, cleaning, arranging things etc….I didn’t know how to manage everything within the short span of time. That’s when I tried my hand at the seemingly magical app called PepperTap.

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Behold- Magic by Tejas

Lifestyle October 16, 2015

It’s Magic! It’s Magic! No, no, we are not talking about the usual tricks with cards and ropes but something more mind boggling. Next time when you visit Kingdom of Dreams (KOD), Magic awaits you in the form of “Behold, Magic by Tejas”, a breathtaking show launched by KOD and Crossbow Entertainment.

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Shahjahanabad Festival by Jalalis at Le Meridien, Gurgaon

Food October 8, 2015

Hey everyone, Team ChicLifeByte was recently invited to Shahjahanabad Festival by Jalalis at Le Meridien, Gurgaon. As I gave my vehicle keys to the valet I was mesmerized to see the greenery overlooking the entrance of the hotel. I made my way to the restaurant passing through the chic white lobby and saw a big board about the festival right outside the restaurant ‘Latest Recipe’, an all day dining restaurant of the hotel. We were warmly greeted by the PR manager, Anadita and Chef Osama Jalali.  The festival had all the delicacies of Old Delhi uniquely innovated by Chef Osama Jalali himself. Here we got to relish the flavours of Purani Dilli all prepared by the Flavour-e-azam man Osama Jalali & his mom together. 

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