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Currently pursuing his MBA from MICA Ahmedabad, Shubham is a digital marketing enthusiast, social media freak and a budding photographer. Travelling and technology are two of his passions which he juggles between along with eagerness to learn new things in life with passion, purpose, magic and miracle.

Are discounts the biggest marketing tactic for festive shopping?

Lifestyle September 1, 2019

While growing up, Independence Day/Republic Day have been synonymous with Big Bazaar sale. Three days leading to the patriotic day are when most of the families would stock up groceries, dinner sets, luggage and a lot of other things. Like every year, this year too Big Bazaar hosted a mega event – August Savings Bazaar during the recently concluded Independence Day which had everything at upto 70 percent which got a great response.


Festival shopping is not the same for different generations, neither is marketing

Lifestyle August 25, 2019

Come Diwali and our wishlist would be ready. While I am looking at an upgrade of my gadget(s) – my mobile and laptop, my parents would have a different wishlist in mind. My mother who is a housewife would be looking at new elements of home – buying new consumer durables (microwave, AC, TV etc) or decor to ensure our home looks the brightest and cleanest while my father who is a businessman would be looking forward to upgrading his automobile.